Hm so I feel quite annoyed with myself for failing to see the point of using Flash Builder. For anyone that doesn't know: Flash Builder is used for building *applications*, i.e. data intensive, drop-down menu-ie type things they use in banks (well not banks, but you get what I mean). It is DEFINITELY NOT for geometric animations, so don't even bother.
My aim was to use its brilliantly simple UI 'mockup' interface, and quickly hook up my ActionScript 3 class file to the controls. This was achieved without any problem. The problem was in getting Flash Builder to recognise the actual animation process that would otherwise come so naturally to the typical Flash setup.
So it was with great disappointment I read this intriguing article about building a pizza companies order form...
It's the best bit of writing on developing I've stumbled upon because it's a hilarious take on exactly what I DO NOT want to be doing: namely building the UI for a pizza delivery company. This made me feel really stupid... but in a good way. From Aral Balkan who knows a thing or two about Flash.
The gist of it is: DO NOT USE FLEX AND BUILDER. Not if you are not making maybe an app for ordering pizza. Definitely not. There's so little info out there on Flash Builder, all in all, compared with Flash, I should've realised.
Anyway, full steam ahead for a new and swanky user interface, comin at cha'
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